Mysql – This certain MySQL database organisation


Hypothetically, let's say that I have three tables:

- Products (id, product_name, added_timestamp)
- Individuals (id, name, last_name)
- Companies (id, company_name, company_number, company_address)

Now, let's say that both individuals and companies can add their products to my virtual shop.

Now, let's say I want to display all the added products sorted from descending order by the Products.added_timestamp column. However, I don't know how to connect Products with Individuals and Companies and display all the data.

How would I approach this problem?

Best Answer

I can think of at least 2 ways of doing this.

  1. Add nullable individual_id and company_id FK columns to Products table.

    When products are added by an individual, populate the individual_id. When products are added by a company, populate the company_id. This would be a many-to-one relationship between products-and-individuals or products-and-companies.

    Sample query would be something like:

    select p.product_name, p.added_timestamp, as 'individual_name', c.company_name as 'company_name'
    from Products p
    left outer join Individuals i on p.individual_id =
    left outer join Companies c on p.company_id =
    order by p.added_timestamp desc
  2. Create separate mapping tables, e.g. Products_By_Individuals and Products_By_Companies, to associate products with individuals and companies externally. This would be a many-to-many relationship between products-and-individuals or products-and-companies.

    Sample schema:

    • Products_By_Individuals (id, product_id, individual_id)
    • Products_By_Companies (id, product_id, company_id)

    And sample queries:

    select p.product_name, p.added_timestamp, as 'entity_name'
    from Products_By_Individuals pbi
    inner join Products p on pbi.product_id =
    inner join Individuals i on pbi.individual_id =
    select p.product_name, p.added_timestamp, c.company_name as 'entity_name'
    from Products_By_Companies pbc
    inner join Products p on pbc.product_id =
    inner join Companies c on pbc.company_id =
    order by p.added_timestamp desc

    If you play with the projections (the select clause), you could possibly due a union between these 2 queries.

EDIT: modified sample queries to return (1) product name, (2) product timestamp, and (3) individual or company name, as mentioned in comments.