MySQL Update sed: -e Expression Error – How to Fix


When running the mysql rpm mysql-community-server-5.7.14-1.sles12.x86_64.rpm I get this error:

sed: -e expression #1, char 17: unknown option to `s'

That far everything works but I noticed immediately after the update there were 712MB! less on the system disk and I suspect the clean up process did not work well because of the error.

My question:

  1. Has anybody an idea how to fix the problem even it is a rpm file I download directly from MySQL?
  2. Where can I remove manually the temporary files created while the update process?


Linux: SLES 12 SP1

MySQL: 5.7.14


I do not want to know what the problem means in the sed program. I do not have any access to the sed parameters [I did not write it; it is delivered by the MySQL organization] due to the fact it is ran by the rpm program controlled by the rpm file.

Best Answer

Oracle confirmed it as a bug and it will be fixed in the next relase.