Mysql synchronization databases on one machine


I have MySQL databases. Database A and Database B. Running on Mysql 5.5 and Ubuntu 12.04.

Into Database A i am doing INSERTs, UPDATEs every minute (cron) (The whole database has over 15 millions rows and growing).

I want to synchronize Database B with Database A use it for SELECT queries (for performance).

So I want to know: How can I synchronize new rows with Database B every 4 hours. I looked into MySQL replication. Is it good for this?

  1. I am thinking think about SQLite3 DB.
  2. All tables are InnoDB
  3. I'm looking for a headless command, not a GUI tool.
  4. Everything is on one machine.
  5. I need a fast utility. I tried Mysqldump, but I am trying to sync, not get the entire database.

Best Answer

Why not Enable / configure mySQL Replication Service? I am not pro at it but I know you can achieve that by using mySQL Replication. See the link for details.

I am updating my answer here try to guide you to the proper sources or techniques. Try enabling clustering. and try to go through this link to load balance your mySql instances.

one machine running mySql instance and the same one doing the backup will not solve your issue but can be achieved through virtualization. Consider vmWare for example or try Virtualbox too.. but again if your server fails you will not going have nay means to take advantage of such design. However what will be good you go for another box and deploy the sql node there and then enable/ configure clustering