MySQL SSL replication error 2026


I've been searching and testing for hours and still can't figure this out. MySQL version 5.7.23 on both slave and master.

Replication over SSL is failing with the following error message:

Slave I/O for channel '': error connecting to master '' – retry-time: 60 retries: 1, Error_code: 2026

Replication works fine without SSL, so I know that the replication user and password are correct, and port 3306 is not blocked. I can connect with SSL from the command line with the same user and password combination:

mysql -u replslave1 -pxxxx -h --ssl --ssl-ca='/etc/mysql/master-ca.pem' --ssl-capath='/etc/mysql' --ssl-cert='/etc/mysql/repl1-pub.pem' --ssl-key='/etc/mysql/repl1-priv.pem' --ssl-cipher='DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA'

When I do this from the command line the cipher shows as DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA.

Any ideas are welcome.

Best Answer

Finally! 6 - 8 hours of work later:

The problem in my case was that the slave server has 2 network interfaces and the usable/public IP address is assigned to the second interface. The first, which I assume that MySQL/OpenSSL is using as a default, does not have an IP address.

I solved by adding MASTER_BIND to my CHANGE_MASTER statement.