Mysql – SQL Select query is taking so long time on new Server


I am migrating our live website server from rackspace to AWS. We have already done all parts but stuck at below point:

One of query which is running within a second on live server, it's taking around 5 mins to execute in aws server.

I have already checked about configuration of mysql and its same. We keep same configuration as live for mysql, Tried to import database thrice but same problem persist:

Here is mysql Versions of both server:
Rackspace – 5.5.61
AWS – 5.7.29

Here is that query:

               (SELECT COUNT(tbcc_l_contacts.primary_list) 
                FROM tbcc_l_contacts 
                WHERE )   AS `contactcount`, 
               (SELECT COUNT(tbcc_l_contacts_rejects.primary_list) 
                FROM tbcc_l_contacts_rejects 
                WHERE   AS rejectcount, 
               `admins`.`username` AS `team_username`, 
               `admins`.`fname`   AS `team_fname`, 
               `admins`.`lname` AS `team_lname`, 
               `admins1`.`username` AS `addedby_username`, 
               `admins1`.`fname` AS `addedby_fname`, 
               `admins1`.`lname`   AS `addedby_lname` 
FROM `tbcc_l_lists` 
LEFT JOIN `tbcc_l_categorygroup` ON tbcc_l_lists.categorygroup = 
LEFT JOIN `tbcc_l_listtype`   ON tbcc_l_lists.list_type = tbcc_l_listtype.listtype_id 
LEFT JOIN `tbcc_l_contacts` ON = tbcc_l_contacts.primary_list   
LEFT JOIN `tbcc_l_contacts_rejects` ON = tbcc_l_contacts_rejects.primary_list 
LEFT JOIN `tbcc_l_admins`   ON = tbcc_l_lists.researchby 
LEFT JOIN `tbcc_l_admins` AS `admins` ON = 
LEFT JOIN `tbcc_l_admins` AS `admins1`   ON = tbcc_l_lists.added_by 
WHERE (1=1) LIMIT 200000;

I am working on this issue since last couple of days, Any help will be highly appreciable.

Best Answer

  • DISTINCT is not a function. It applies to the whole row. And it is probably unnecessary. It takes an extra pass over the data to perform the DISTINCT functionality.

  • LIMIT 200000 seems quite unrealistic. What is the goal?

  • The query, without a WHERE clause, will scan the entire tbcc_l_lists table. That takes time if the table is big.

  • COUNT(*) is the usual pattern. COUNT(x) is often misused; this means "count the row if x is NOT NULL. Or did you really want that test?

  • Please provide EXPLAIN SELECT so we can see what parts are being inefficient.

  • That may lead to requesting SHOW CREATE TABLE for each table.

  • You say the configuration is the same -- are you referring to both the memory size and my.cnf?