Mysql – SQL 2 Columns of Different Types in Same Table – Working With ‘Uknown’ Amount


I'm very new to SQL and I've been searching for an answer for a while now, can't seem to find it.

I have 1 table of CustOrders which has 3 columns.

Table CustOrders

  • Name (varchar)
  • Number_Orders (int)
  • order_date (datetime)


I would like to get a list of customers that have had less orders than a specific customer 'x'. How would I go about doing that?

Select Statement

I tried with this logic, which didn't seem to work and is probably all wrong, which was:

SELECT name, number_orders
FROM custOrders
WHERE number_orders < (select number_orders from custOrders where name = 'x');

It returned an empty set, which should not be empty, because I know there are customers there with less orders.

Could you please help me with this?

I am using MariaDB.

Best Answer

FROM custOrders t1, custOrders t2 
WHERE t1.number_orders < t2.number_orders 
  AND = 'x';

PS. must be defined as unique by according index.