MySQL Replication – Slave Not Executing Long Running Update Query


I am running a Master-slave replication servers of MySQL. As part of clean up of old data, i ran a delete query which deletes huge number of records from the database. It ran fine on Master server but on slave server, it is giving me following error:

Slave SQL thread retried transaction 10 time(s) in vain, giving up. Consider raising the value of the slave_transaction_retries variable.

The slave server machine is less powerful than master one. How can I get past this?

The query is single line delete query. I am running MySQL 5.6.

Best Answer

You need to stop replication, make the Slave have the same specs as the Master, then start replication.

Make sure the Slave has no incoming connections. Otherwise, that will make the SQL thread on the Slave compete with incoming connections that are running SELECT queries against the same table you are running DELETE.

If you cannot reroute the incoming connections, you will have to rerun the DELETE in chunks (perhaps 5000 rows at a time) on the Slave locally.

As a last resort, rebuild the Slave (after scaling up the Slave's hardware and configs).