MySQL – Simple Trigger to Update Two Columns


I want to create a trigger MySQL that updates two fields at the same time.

Whenever a record is added or inserted, I want the contents to be copied to one field or the other, depending on which one is empty/edited.

due_date is a varchar and end_date is a datetime.


  1. IF new record with due_date filled in but end_date empty → copy due_date to end_date after insert.
  2. IF new record with end_date filled in but due_date empty → copy end_date to due_date after insert.
  3. IF update to due_date → copy that to end_date after update
  4. IF update to end_date → copy that to due_date after update

Please note, the due_date format is already the correct and same format as datetime.

Best Answer

Hope i have understand what you are saying correctly, following would be the code you may be looking for.

CREATE TRIGGER trig_1 before insert
ON  <table_name> FOR EACH ROW

   IF   new.due_date is not null and new.end_date='' then
        set new.end_date=new.due_date;
   end if;
      IF   new.end_date is not null and new.due_date='' then
        set new.due_date=new.end_date;
   end if;



CREATE TRIGGER trig_2 before update
ON  <table_name> FOR EACH ROW

   IF   new.due_date <>old.due_date then
        set new.end_date=new.due_date;
   end if;
      IF   new.end_date <> old.end_date then
        set new.due_date=new.end_date;
   end if;


Hope it helps