MySQL – Similar Name for Status or Type Column

MySQLnaming conventionreserved-word

As status and type is reserved key in MySQL, I need a column name similar to status to identify the status of a row.

I know there is way to ignore this problem but in different language and different framework it suddenly arise this problem in different way, so I need to ignore this word and need a similar word that sound almost same and can be understandable from the name.

The potential values for my use case are true/false. What do you suggest to name a Boolean column that defines the status of that row?

Here status is defining that row if it is active or inactive. And not every where I'm using status column for this purpose, Somewhere status column is defining if the status is pending, current, confirmed, applied, rejected, etc. Like this shorts of key.

Best Answer

Community wiki answer:


  • condition
  • situation
  • state


  • kind
  • sort
  • variety
  • category

Not clear to me if you are looking for synonyms. If so, and you need mere synonyms in the future, check out the word-choice tag on English Language & Usage Stack Exchange.

You might need to be careful with column names like these as they might confuse a user, since they can have a different meaning than row status or record type.