Mysql – SHOW INNODB STATUS averages calculated


I am reading to all tutorials/books that when running SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS the Per second averages calculated from the last X sec, the X should be 20 to 30 seconds. I have never manage to exceed 10 sec, so my question is: Is the output valid? i can count on these statistics? Is there something i am missing here some parameter to collect status statistics more efficient?

Best Answer

The SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS \G command will show data from the last time the command was run till now - not sure what it will be the first time. I can't shut down the server here, but if you run the command rapidly twice in succession, you'll see the time since last run - set your

mysql> pager less;

mysql> show engine innodb status \G

2014-07-04 15:44:42 7f0a2d9c9700 INNODB MONITOR OUTPUT
Per second averages calculated from the last 6 seconds

Take a look here - averages of less than ~30 seconds are worthless according to Peter Zaitsev. You could also take a look at Baron Schwartz's innotop tool - available here.