Mysql – Setting up MySQL master-slave replication


I am trying to setup master-slave replication on MySQL 5.6.

When I update my database in the master, the change is not reflected on the slave. When I show the process list on the slave it shows this message:

mysql> show processlist;
| Id | User        | Host      | db   | Command | Time | State                                                                       | Info             |
|  1 | system user |           | NULL | Connect | 6440 | Slave has read all relay log; waiting for the slave I/O thread to update it | NULL             |
|  2 | system user |           | NULL | Connect | 5730 | Waiting for master to send event                                            | NULL             |
| 42 | root        | localhost | NULL | Query   |    0 | NULL                                                                        | show processlist |

Any suggestions?

Best Answer

See the MySQL documentation or a Step by step replication setup blog if you need to review.

If these doesn't help please share the output of show slave status\G (as such it appears connected) and also output of my.cnf of master/slave. Mainly you need to worry about server-ids, replication filters (replicate-to-db/table etc)