MySQL – Why Select Returns No Rows Despite Data Presence


I'm using django to create a database and I manually created a test values in the database by creating objects and saving them to the database.
Now when I run this query:

select TABLE_NAME, 
from information_schema.tables 
where table_schema = 'test_test_db';

It returns the tables with the correct number of rows. For example, a table 'accounts_users' has 4269 rows.

But when I try to select any values using select username from accounts_users;, I get 0 rows back or 'Empty Set' result.

And of course my django app cannot run because there is "no" data in the database.

What is wrong?

Best Answer

I tried manually adding a test user and the TABLE_ROWS was updated "4270" but when I select I get only the test user I added. Anyway, I learned that TABLE_ROWS is only a rough estimate and I guess it is not updated regularly enough.