MySQL select data over time that matches pattern over several rows

MySQLpattern matching

We currently log data from our plants running remotely for diagnostic purposes on MySQL.

I have been asked to come up with a typical running profile for several variables. For this, I would require to get a pattern where, say, our plant is running in mode 400 for atleast 2 hours (we currently have the datetime column as primary key).

Would it be possible to come up with a query that says "show rows where plant is running in step 400 for more than 2 hours"?

Thanks 🙂

EDIT: Sorry, but one more query to add to that, is it possible to search where a step change occurs, like "search for * where value changes from 0 to 100"?

From a comment – an example would be:

datetime             plant_status incomer_power
2014-09-04 16:16:57     222     -67.06115
2014-09-04 16:17:27     222     -67.5517
2014-09-04 16:17:57     222     -68.0331
2014-09-04 16:18:27     222     -67.99048
2014-09-04 16:19:27     400     -158.7233
2014-09-04 16:19:57     400     -158.9488
2014-09-04 16:20:27     400     -159.0716

This is only a small snapshot of the data. But this data goes on for days. I would like a query, that would bring up the rows when plant_status changed to 400 (only 1 event in case of this example @ 2014-09-04 16:19:27).

Best Answer

I do something similar on my side, and I use a MySQL Stored Procedure / Cursor.

You loop through each line of the table and record the current datetime entry and plant_status into variables, and then move on to the next line.

At which point you compare the current datetime and plant_status with the last ones.

If it matches a set condition (in your case new_status != last_status) you add an entry to a temporary table.

And then at the end you simply select * from temporary_table_name to show you all the rows where the status changed.

You could easily convert this to check the datetime as well (changing the old_datetime variable each time the status changes), and comparing that to the current one to find out if there is a two hour difference). (this probably should be a comment rather than an answer but I don't yet have enough points to comment - sorry)