Mysql search varchar column strategy


I can't find decent strategy for searching titles.

I have table for movies.
Each movie has 5-10 alternative names that are stored in movie_names (id, name, name_clean, movie_id) table.

To normalize all names I use script that converts all names in ascii, removes whitespace, punctuation, etc. and place it in name_clean.

And on search I use

SELECT DISTINCT(movie_id) FROM movie_names WHERE `name_clean` LIKE '%f%' ORDER BY views DESC

And then I use ids and select with "where in" movies table.

Although this strategy works, but because of my name cleaning the search is very wide. I want to improve it without name cleaning, but wonder if I can improve it better.

For example I was thinking about search LIKE 'f%', but then I will need to explode every movie name in words.
And if I have movie name "My very fat big movie name" I need to make this much of additional rows:

"My very fat big movie name"
"very fat big movie name"
"fat big movie name"
"big movie name"
"movie name"

Also on people table I use query

 SELECT * FROM people WHERE `name1` LIKE '%f%' OR name2 LIKE '%f%' ORDER BY views DESC

While searching movies the speed is okay, but it is very wide and selects too much results (search column is latin_swedish), with people table it's very slow (columns are utf8) and there are more rows.

How would you organize search in mysql.

Best Answer

thanks all for halp, especially sticky bit.

Here solution worked for me.

New table with id and name column with fulltext. I query with match against in boolean mode "query*". Works very well. No need for elastic.