Mysql – scaling options for thesql on linux vm (ubuntu) : how to scale when the RAID 0 is out of space


I was asked to give a scaling road map for our mysql database.

Currently, I have a single mysql instance v5.6.28 running on an ubuntu VM on azure. It has a (software) RAID 0 disk made with two 1TBs.

My question is, when this 2TB disk gets filled up, what am i supposed to do?
I am thinking that my options would be

  1. add another RAID 0.
  2. add another mysql VM to existing infrastructure
  3. migrate to mysql cluster
  4. ???

I want to know what is the recommended method to scale when the tables grow to an extent that the existing RAID runs out of space.

Best Answer

You have to ask yourself the question "How much is my data worth to me/the company?".

Cheap solution:

You could buy 2 2TB disks to replace the 2 1TB ones you already have. That would be a stop gap IMHO. RAID0 really doesn't cut the mustard these days with bit-rot and 24x7 operation. If one of your disks goes down, you'll place a lot of extra strain on the other disk (possibly provoking its failure - then you're bunched :-( )

More expensive, but worth it (IMHO):

Personally, I'd use a FreeNAS box with RAID-Z also striped and mirrored - or possibly Z-3. If you have the expertise in-house, great, but if not, I'd recommend iXsystems (I am not associated with this company, just have heard good reports from people who work in this area - plus they develop FreeNAS).