MySQL – Incorrect Parameter Count for Function Error


I'm migrating my webapp from local to DigitalOcean, and I'm having a problem using a routine I've created. It works fine locally(version 5.5.50) but on the online MySQL(version 5.7.13) it gives me the following error:

#1582 – Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function 'DISTANCE'

even tho the call is right.

I have deleted the function and it still gives me the same error, therefore I think it's not even being able to find my function.

I've tried to grant all privileges to my user and it's still not working.

Best Answer

The problem is that there was a native function distance() added in MySQL 5.7.5, which takes 2 arguments:

Distance() was added in MySQL 5.7.5.

Distance() is deprecated as of MySQL 5.7.6 and will be removed in a future MySQL release. Use ST_Distance() instead.

It will be removed in a later release, but unfortunately you would need to rename your function. Had you not dropped it, you could have changed the function call in the app to include the schema:

The preceding function name resolution rules have implications for upgrading to versions of MySQL that implement new built-in functions:

  • If you have already created a user-defined function with a given name and upgrade MySQL to a version that implements a new built-in function with the same name, the UDF becomes inaccessible. To correct this, use DROP FUNCTION to drop the UDF and CREATE FUNCTION to re-create the UDF with a different nonconflicting name. Then modify any affected code to use the new name.

  • If a new version of MySQL implements a built-in function with the same name as an existing stored function, you have two choices: Rename the stored function to use a nonconflicting name, or change calls to the function so that they use a schema qualifier (that is, use schema_name.func_name() syntax). In either case, modify any affected code accordingly.
