MySql replication with Raw Data and InnoDB tables


I want to start replication on DB that has many InnoDB tables and MyISAM tables.
I did everything according to manual Creating a Data Snapshot Using Raw Data Files.

Firstly, I tried copied all tables files with relay log and etc. without ib_logfile and ibdata. Replication didn't work it couldn't find InnodDB tables, after that I tried to do the same with ib_logfile and ibdata, it failed with error message Error 'Unknown table engine 'InnoDB'' on opening tables.

When I tried to copy my.cnf from original server mysql failed to start at all (version 5.1.41).

I am not sure if it's possible to start replication with raw data and InnoDb files. Please, if you have experience, share it with me. How can I deal with it.


Best Answer

When you get 'Unknown table engine INNODB', it means something when wrong with startup. If you look in your error logs, you should be able to get more information.

My first instinct is that your ib_logfile is a different size on your master than what is configured in the slave. If you stop the slave server, delete the ib_logfile from the snapshot when setting up the slave, then restart mysql, it should correct itself.

NOTE: Do not delete the ibdata file! Only the ib_logfiles