MySQL rebuild after Corrupt ibdata1


I have a MySQL server that serves a couple of databases including a Magento e-commerce store.

We have been suffering with corruption in the ibdata1 file for a while, but it has now reached a critical point.

The only database that uses innodb tables is the Magento webstore back-end.

I have an up to date SQL extract of the entire magento database. I thought that I could shut down MySQL, rename the ib* files, restart MySQL and re-create the database from the SQL file – however I am having a major problem restarting MySQL after renaming the ib* files.

I keep getting 'cannot connect to mysql ….. mysql.sock'.

It appears as though the ib* files are all re-created as I would expect, but I can't restart and then connect to the sever…

Any ideas??


Have already tried all values of innodb_force_recovery. Error log shows various issues including

difficult to find free blocks from the buffer pool

and now also

InnoDB: Error: page 131073 log sequence number 17 3671003941
InnoDB: is in the future! Current system log sequence number 17 3670939210.
InnoDB: Your database may be corrupt or you may have copied the InnoDB
InnoDB: tablespace but not the InnoDB log files

Best Answer

When referring to ib* files, are you also referring to the ib_log files? They also need to be removed when you remove the ibdata* files. Have a look at that might be of some help.