MySQL Read/Write Benchmark – Performance Testing


I'm trying to benchmark Read/Write speed in MySQL 5.5. Currently I have a stored procedure that insert rows with random numbers to a table and I'm measuring time of execution before and after configuration changes.

Here's my procedure:

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `InsertRand`(IN nor INT, in minr int, in maxr int)
        declare i int;
        declare lastid int;
        set i =1;
        start transaction;
        while i <= nor do
        insert into tbltest(Value) values (minr + CEIL(rand() * (maxr-minr)));
        set lastid = (select MAX(id) from tbltest);
        set i = i +1;
        end while;

Do you know any good way to benchmark this ? Maybe my procedure needs some improvement?

Best Answer

You should use MySQL's BENCHMARK() function

Here are my posts on how to use it

BTW if you do configuartion changes, you should restart mysqld immediately after the configuration changes are in place. Then, run your I/O tests.