MySQL 5.6 – Percona Configuration File Guide


I've just installed a Percona instance of Mysql on an Amazon server and can not find the my.cnf file anywhere. I found auto.cnf in /var/lib/mysql but there is nothing in that file like what I have seen for my standard mysql installs.

I'm using:

mysql  Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.6.41-84.1, for Linux (x86_64) using  6.2

Previously I've used 5.6.14 and 5.6.35 I guess this version changed a bit?

I tried mysqld --help --verbose | grep my.cnf | tr " " "\n", find . -iname "my.cnf", find / -iname "my.cnf", locate my.cnf, and whereis my.cnf. The whereis gave back a changed the shell, but had the same end result as all other commands which was no my.cnf found.

The whereis appended my: before my shell prompt e.g. [root@ip-ip_address /]#.

Mysql is running but from all SO threads I read there is no global variable I can select to find the conf file. Does anyone know how I can find where my configuration file lives?

Best Answer

No there is no global variable for the config file locations. mysqld --help --verbose is best to show which ones are used.

Take a look at the linux processlist to see how mysqld is executed by init/service/systemd, that might specify a file.

Otherwise you might be running on a default config with no configuration file.