MySQL Migration – How to Verify Tables After Migration


I'm in the process of migrating from one MySQL server (5.0.95) to out new MySQL server (5.1.73). I have a script that is transferring the schema's over and doing a table checksum using CHECKSUM TABLE schema.table; on both the source and destination servers.
This process on my testing schema can validate all but 90 of my 930 tables. For those 90 how can I find out what the differences are?

I've tried saving them both, source and destination, out with mysqldump and using Beyond Compare on the resulting sql files. This doesn't go well since Beyond Compare will split the insert lines where it chooses and in turn finds differences where it has done that.
Is there a tool or other MySQL check that I can do to find out why tables aren't the same?

Due to company policy I have to use RHEL 6 thus is why the old server is going away since it is on RHEL 5 and won't support RHEL 6.

Best Answer

mysqldump --skip-extended-insert

to break up the inserts.



to make sure the order is identical, thereby helping the diff program. (This assumes you have a PRIMARY or UNIQUE key.)