MySQL/MariaDB: Comparing performance between two queries


I am trying to compare the performance between two queries which give otherwise the same results.

The idea is that I want to compare using Windowing Functions available to newer versions to faking them with subqueries in older versions.

Here are the two queries:

    sum(total) over (order by id) as running,
    sum(total) over (partition by ordered) as daily,
    sum(total) over (partition by ordered order by id) as daily_running
from sales
order by id;

    (select sum(total) from sales s where< as fake_running,
    (select sum(total) from sales s where s.ordered=sales.ordered) as fake_daily,
    (select sum(total) from sales s where s.ordered=sales.ordered and< as fake_daily_running
from sales
order by id;

The results are identical.

I know that I can use EXPLAIN, but (a) I’m unclear how to interpret the results, and (b) I can’t see how to get a direct comparison between the two.

Microsoft SQL Management Studio has a tool which displays shows the estimated execution plan, and, most importantly, the cost of each query relative to the whole.

How can I get details on how the performance of the two queries would compare?

Best Answer

You should use EXPLAIN, or by all means test with realistic data. Microsoft's tool is nice, but it is basically the same thing under the hood. The classic explain syntax (EXPLAIN SELECT ...) does not include cost, but it does include the estimated number of rows for each step. Better, you can use JSON to get more details:


This will return a JSON document that includes query_cost. You don't get a fancy graph, but you can compare the estimated cost. Good luck!