Mysql – Is it possible to have extra tables in a Slave with MySQL Replication


As my title mention I have a Master and a Slave database.

Master if for operations data and my slave mainly for reporting stuff.

The issue is that I need to create extra tables on reporting that can't be on the master, but the way my replication is set (the simplest one mentioned by the official doc) at the moment, this breaks the replication system.

How could I add tables on the Slave without Master caring about it ? Is it even possible ?

Best Answer

I think I got a rough idea how you setup replication. I think you have taken mysqldump --all-databases ... something along those lines.

Now if you want extra tables inside one of those database that you exported by mysqldump and those that belong to the master replication will break as you mentioned aswell.

Now to create more tables you need to create a new database with some name and then create tables in there. This will not break the replication.

I do not know if this helps....
