MySQL InnoDB add new instance to existing cluster


Server version: 5.7.23-log MySQL Community Server (GPL)

I'm running an InnoDB cluster and trying to add a new node, the cluster is a couple of years old and binlogs are being cleared after 2 weeks.

Adding a new node to a new cluster is straight forward enough because the master has all the binlogs but I can't find anywhere pointing me to instructions on how to add a new node to an existing cluster.

It's in production and I don't want to 'test and see' in case I break something so I'm looking for a definitive set of instructions.

Can anyone assist please?

Best Answer

The old way of adding a Slave might be best:

  1. Stop mysqld on an existing Slave (Replica)
  2. Copy the disk (or at least all of MySQL's stuff)
  3. Change the server_id
  4. See if something in the Master contains a list of servers in the topology; if so, augment it
  5. Start mysqld on both replicas.