Mysql – “Incorrect string value” while migrating from MSSQL to MySQL with Workbench


I got the task to migrate our MSSQL database into a MySQL database.
Therefore I am using the recent version of MySQL Workbench and FreeTDS Driver.

During the migration I always get errors like this:

ERROR: `dbo`.`emails_text`:Inserting Data: Incorrect string value: '\xA0</td>...' for column 'description' at row 1
ERROR: `dbo`.`prospect_lists`:Inserting Data: Incorrect string value: '\xFCrs MB...' for column 'description' at row 4
ERROR: `dbo`.`campaigns`:Inserting Data: Incorrect string value: '\xFChrung...' for column 'name' at row 24

I assume that utf8 is the troublemaker but I couldn't find any solution to my problem till now.

Best Answer

I had to do the following:

In the source configuration (ODBC FreeTDS), tab "Advanced", I set:


and check "Driver sends Unicode data as UTF-8". (for more info in )

Then, in the target configuration, tab "Advanced", in textbox "Others" I added the following new line: (change it as you whish, always utf8* )

preInit=SET default_storage_engine=MYISAM,character_set_connection=utf8mb4,collation_connection=utf8mb4_spanish_ci,collation_server=utf8mb4_spanish_ci,character_set_server=utf8mb4

(for more info see: )

Finally in the Data Copy step, in Options group check "Driver sends data already encoded as UTF-8".