MySql include partition key in index


Please look at the following Mysql table:

I've partitioned the table by sent_at and I'm making sure that most of the queries pass sent_at. do I need to include sent_at in all of the indexes?

do you spot any potential redundant indexes?

when I do include the sent_at in the indexes, does it have to be the first field in the index declaration?

Best Answer

Multiple questions, multiple answers:

  • No need to "spot" potential redundant indexes: use either common_schema or Percona Toolkit to find such keys. But I've checked -- and no, there are no redundant keys.

  • You do not have to use sent_at in the indexes

  • If you do, it does not matter (partition-wise) where in the index.

But the one thing that is not told is how you query your table. Do you do an equality check on most fields and range-check on sent_at? In such case better have sent_at indexed last. If there is an equality check on sent_in or range check on same field, with little or no filtering on other columns, then have sent_in indexed by itself, or first in sequence. Right now you have 1 month of data in each partition; getting it indexed by time is not such a bad idea.