Mysql – importing database backup to phptheadmin return #1064


When I tried importing mysql database backup to MySQL using phpMyAdmin
I got the following error message:

#1064 – You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
near 'PK00PK' at line 1

In another post, it says open the sql document and delete weird lines and shall work
where is the sql document that i should open?
i m not a specialist in this.

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The database was created in linux and I'm trying to import it to MySQL using phpMyAdmin running in Win 7

Best Answer

Most likely your backup file is a zip file (judging by magic bytes PK at the beginning) that contains a binary backup of MyISAM tables (a set of files):


What you need to do to restore your backup

  1. Unzip the archive file
  2. Stop MySQL
  3. Copy unpacked table files to a DB directory (or create a DB first) in the MySQL data directory
  4. Start MySQL