Mysql – How to select the rows affected by an update


When performing an update query (the following is just an example; any update query could be used) such as:

update t1 
inner join t2 on
set"foo" where"bar";
Query OK, 324 rows affected (1.82 sec)

how do you see which rows have been affected (the 324 rows affected in the response)? I tried converting the expression to a select, such as

select * from t1 
inner join t2 on

but this also returns the rows that were already name="foo" before the update, too.
Conceptually, I would like to do something like

select * from rows_affected;

but of course this does not work. Is there a method that will allow the inspection/selection of rows affected by an update query? Or is the only solution to do the select before the update to see which rows will be affected?

Best Answer

This sounds like a job for SELECT FOR UPDATE. Please see MySQL Docs on this

I have discussed this over the years