MySQL – Restore Dump Ignoring DROP TABLE Statement


I am trying to restore multiple mysql dump (.sql) files. Data in each dump file are from the same table, but with different ID (primary key) range.

For example,

> 1.sql (0 < ID && ID <= 100)
> 2.sql (100 < ID && ID <= 200)
> ...

I have 100 files like the above, each containing 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS' and 'CREATE TABLE' statements. Because of the two statements, I can't simply automate the mysql restore command.

> root$> mysql < dump.sql

Since every time I execute the sql, it will drop the table and delete all data restored. So I need something that I can ignore the DROP and CREATE statements while doing …

> root$> mysql < dump.sql

Has anyone done this before?

FYI, my OS is Amazon Linux AMI.

Best Answer

cat 1.sql | grep -v "DROP TABLE" | mysql --force

Assuming no other string contains drop commands this should work..

Updated: use --force to ignore errors by CREATE TABLE.