MySQL – How to Get Maximum Disposition and Date


I want to get the top disposition of every ID where 1 is the lowest and 13 is the highest, however when there are IDs with similar disposition (e.g. ID #2 having multiple dispositions of '9') I cannot get the record with the latest time / timestamp.

How can I group the results by ID getting the maximum disposition and if there are multiple disposition, get the most recent?
(e.g. ID #2 getting '2017-04-06 14:16:00' as the top or max.)

I forgot to mention that I also need to group them by date. I have a separate column for date. The expected output is: Latest + Highest dispo of ID #2 on April 6 and Latest + Highest dispo of ID#2 on April 7 and so forth.


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Best Answer

I've set up the next example:

create table docs(id int, dispo int, dt date, st timestamp);
insert into docs values
(1, 10, '20170406', '2017/04/06 01:30:00'),
(1, 5 , '20170407', '2017/04/07 02:30:00'),
(1, 10, '20170406', '2017/04/06 01:00:00'),
(1, 10, '20170406', '2017/04/06 01:15:00'),
(2,  9, '20170406', '2017/04/06 01:30:00'),
(2,  9, '20170407', '2017/04/07 13:45:00'),
(2,  9, '20170407', '2017/04/07 09:00:00'),
(2,  9, '20170407', '2017/04/07 10:45:00');

First you need to know the MAX disposition of every date:

SELECT   id ID, dt "Date", max(dispo) Disposition
FROM     docs
GROUP BY id, dt
ID | Date       | Disposition
-: | :--------- | ----------:
 1 | 2017-04-06 |          10
 1 | 2017-04-07 |           5
 2 | 2017-04-06 |           9
 2 | 2017-04-07 |           9

Then you can obtain MAX Stamp by disposition and date.

         t1.dispo Disposition, 
         t1.dt "Date", 
         max( Stamp
FROM     docs t1
JOIN     (SELECT   id, dt, max(dispo) as dispo
          FROM     docs
          GROUP BY id, dt) t2
ON =
AND       t1.dispo = t2.dispo
AND       t1.dt = t2.dt
GROUP BY, t1.dispo, t1.dt
ORDER BY, t1.dt;
ID | Disposition | Date       | Stamp              
-: | ----------: | :--------- | :------------------
 1 |          10 | 2017-04-06 | 2017-04-06 01:30:00
 1 |           5 | 2017-04-07 | 2017-04-07 02:30:00
 2 |           9 | 2017-04-06 | 2017-04-06 01:30:00
 2 |           9 | 2017-04-07 | 2017-04-07 13:45:00

dbfiddle here