Mysql – How to get desired result set


I have the following two tables

| customer_id | firstname | lastname | email                |
| 1001        | John      | Doe      |    |
| 1002        | Lorem     | Ipsum    | |
| 1003        | Alph      | Beta     |  |

And orders

| order_id | customer_id | via | status     |
| 100      | 1001        | WEB | pending    |
| 101      | 1001        |     | pending    |
| 102      | 1001        | POS | pending    |
| 103      | 1002        | WEB | processing |
| 104      | 1002        | APP | pending    |
| 105      | 1001        | APP | completed  |
| 106      | 1003        |     | pending    |

I want to get the following resultset:

  1. All the customers who have ordered via WEB or (EMPTY) but not from POS
  2. All the customers who have ordered only via APP

Best Answer

  1. You can use an inner join between customers and orders where the via has the wanted values and a NOT EXISTS to check, that no unwanted via exists.

    SELECT c1.*
           FROM customers c1
                INNER JOIN orders o1
                           ON o1.customer_id = c1.customer_id
           WHERE o1.via IN ('WEB', '')
                 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT *
                                        FROM orders o2
                                        WHERE o2.customer_id = c1.customer_id
                                              AND o2.via = 'POS');

    (If the empty via is actually a NULL not an empty string, change o1.via IN ('WEB', '') to coalesce(o1.via, '') IN ('WEB', '') or to o1.via = 'WEB' OR o1.via IS NULL.)

    Alternatively you can do it just with EXISTS and NOT EXISTS.

    SELECT c1.*
           FROM customers c1
                                FROM orders o1
                                WHERE o1.customer_id = c1.customer_id
                                      AND o1.via IN ('WEB', ''))
                                  FROM orders o2
                                  WHERE o2.customer_id = c1.customer_id
                                        AND o2.via = 'POS');

    (Again, if the empty via is actually a NULL not an empty string, change o1.via IN ('WEB', '') to coalesce(o1.via, '') IN ('WEB', '') or to o1.via = 'WEB' OR o1.via IS NULL.)

  2. Again you can use a join and NOT EXISTS.

    SELECT c1.*
           FROM customers c1
                INNER JOIN orders o1
                           ON o1.customer_id = c1.customer_id
           WHERE o1.via = 'APP'
                 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT *
                                        FROM orders o2
                                        WHERE o2.customer_id = c1.customer_id
                                              AND o2.via <> 'APP');

    Or just use EXISTS/NOT EXISTS.

    SELECT c1.*
           FROM customers c1
                                FROM orders o1
                                WHERE o1.customer_id = c1.customer_id
                                      AND o1.via = 'APP')
                                  FROM orders o2
                                  WHERE o2.customer_id = c1.customer_id
                                        AND o2.via <> 'APP');