MySQL – How to Escape Special Characters


When I do select * .. | mysql ... > /tmp/file from a table with text, there are some problematic characters that prevent me from loading it to a different db using copy (postgres) or load into (mysql).
Character like tab, new line are translated automatically to \n and \t, but some of the problematic characters are escape ^[, CR ^M, ^U,^Z,^F,^H and maybe other that I haven't seen before.

Usually I would just replace it like echo "select * .." | mysql .. | sed 's/\r/\\r/g', but there are too many unknown chars there. So instead of replacing them after the select I would like a function that retrieve the text already escaped (I guess remove them is also fine).

How should I do it?

Best Answer

To escape all special char except NULL, new line and tab:

select * .. | mysql ... | sed 's/[\x04-\x08\x0B-\x1F\x7F]/ /g' > /tmp/file

useful link: