MySQL – Calculate Average Value Over Time with Value Changes


I am tracking the sales price of various items, and I would like to calculate the average price of each item over a period of time.

My simplified tables look like this:

|key  | title    |
|1    | Sproket 1|
|2    | Sproket 2|


|item_key | price | datetime           |
|1        | 2.99  | 2014-11-25 02:05:56|
|1        | 1.99  | 2014-12-13 02:05:56|
|2        | 9.99  | 2014-10-25 02:05:56|
|2        | 8.99  | 2014-11-13 02:05:56|

The Items table contains a single row for each item. The Prices table contains a single row for each price change. The script runs daily and checks for the current prices, if the current price is different than the most recent item price recorded in Prices than a new entry is made in Prices.

My question is, How do I calculate the average price of an item over 180 days?

I can't use AVG because there is not a price entry each day for each item.

Best Answer

Well, I started to write SQL to do the task. It got worse and worse. I needed several @variables and perhaps 3 levels of subqueries. So, I decided it was "impossible" in SQL, or at least very messy.

Instead, I would recommend either david's suggestion of having daily prices, which would make AVG work easily (probably no @variables or subqueries), or write it in some "real" programming language (PHP, VB, Java, ...).

One ugly was doing date arithmetic -- with bounds of 180 days ago and today. Walking through the data ASCENDING led to one problem; DESC lead to a different problem.