Mysql – How to add / create table in the current database in thesql


mySQL 5.6.24: Could anyone guide me on that "How to create a base view and table for a specific plugin?"

After uploading the plug-in, I'm getting following error:

"There has been an error processing your request SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base
table or view not found: 1146 Table
'yuvakxkb_mage800.mgjm_manthan_marketplace_seller' doesn't exist,

query was:

SELECT `main_table`.* 
FROM `mgjm_manthan_marketplace_seller` AS `main_table` 
WHERE (`user_id` = '1')"

How can I create a base view and table for the above error in MySQL?

Best Answer

Is this Magento? I had a similar issue where the plugin I was using wasn't compatible with the version of Magento that was installed.

Check your plugin compatibility then if you're running this on a hosted platform, use phpMyAdmin to verify that the table actually exists.

Also, have you contacted the Magento forums to see if they can help?