Mysql – get row/value by primary key number


I'm writing my own python wrapper on top of official mysqldb connector. I'm trying to design method that would dynamically extract row data knowing KEY ID.

 SELECT * FROM cameras;
| cameraID | cameraName           | fullframe | sensorSize |
|        2 | Canon EOS 5D Mark II |         1 | 36x24      |
|        3 | Nikon                |         1 | 10x10      |

knowing table name ("cameras" in example above), and primaryID key integer value (but not primaryID column name), how can i get a row ?

if I had primary key column name, than i could construct:

mysql> SELECT * FROM cameras WHERE cameraID=2;

But How can I ask for it without column name ? Is there something like "WHERE ID=#" or "WHERE 'COLUMN KEY'=#"?

I was trying to create multistatement:

mysql> SELECT @columnID:=`COLUMN_NAME` AS columnID FROM `information_schema`.`COLUMNS` WHERE (`TABLE_NAME` = 'cameras') AND (`COLUMN_KEY` = 'PRI');
| columnID |
| cameraID |

but mysql did not allow me to use variable as column name directly:

mysql> SELECT * FROM cameras WHERE ', @columnID, '= '2';
Empty set (0.00 sec)

Best Answer

So I found one 'solution' for mysql:

SELECT @columnID:=`COLUMN_NAME` AS columnID FROM `information_schema`.`COLUMNS` WHERE (`TABLE_NAME` = 'cameras') AND (`COLUMN_KEY` = 'PRI');
SET @SQLCOMMAND = CONCAT('SELECT * FROM cameras WHERE ', @columnID, '= 2');

EXECUTE stmt1;
| cameraID | cameraName           | fullframe | sensorSize |
|        2 | Canon EOS 5D Mark II |         1 | 36x24      |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

As I am using python connector to execute those commands, I had to modify it to different approach. Multiquery was not working for me in this case

cursor = self.conn.cursor(buffered=True)

query1 = "SELECT `COLUMN_NAME` FROM `information_schema`.`COLUMNS` WHERE (`TABLE_NAME` = {0!r}) AND (`COLUMN_KEY` = 'PRI');".format(tablename)
columnID = cursor.fetchone()[0]

query2 = "SELECT * FROM {0:s} WHERE {1:s} = {2!r};".format(tablename, columnID, str(idx))
single_row = cursor.fetchone()

(2, 'Canon EOS 5D Mark II', 1, '36x24')