MySQL ALTER TABLE – Fastest Way to Modify InnoDB Tables


I have an InnoDB table that I want to alter. The table has ~80M rows, and quit a few indices.

I want to change the name of one of the columns and add a few more indices.

  • What is the fastest way to do it (assuming I could suffer even downtime – the server is an unused slave)?
  • Is a "plain" alter table, the fastest solution?

At this time, all I care about is speed 🙂

Best Answer

One sure way to speed up an ALTER TABLE is to remove unnecessary indexes

Here are the initial steps to load a new version of the table

CREATE TABLE s_relations_new LIKE s_relations;
# Drop Duplicate Indexes
ALTER TABLE s_relations_new
    DROP INDEX source_persona_index,
    DROP INDEX target_persona_index,
    DROP INDEX target_persona_relation_type_index

Please note the following:

  • I dropped source_persona_index because it is the first column in 4 other indexes

    • unique_target_persona
    • unique_target_object
    • source_and_target_object_index
    • source_target_persona_index
  • I dropped target_persona_index because it is the first column in 2 other indexes

    • target_persona_relation_type_index
    • target_persona_relation_type_message_id_index
  • I dropped target_persona_relation_type_index because the first 2 columns are also in target_persona_relation_type_message_id_index

OK That takes care of unnecessary indexes. Are there any indexes that have low cardinality? Here is the way to determine that:

Run the following queries:

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT sent_at)               FROM s_relations;
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT message_id)            FROM s_relations;
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT target_object_id)      FROM s_relations;

According to your question, there are about 80,000,000 rows. As a rule of thumb, the MySQL Query Optimizer will not use an index if the cardinality of the selected columns is greater that 5% of the table row count. In this case, that would be 4,000,000.

  • If COUNT(DISTINCT sent_at) > 4,000,000
    • then ALTER TABLE s_relations_new DROP INDEX sent_at_index;
  • If COUNT(DISTINCT message_id) > 4,000,000
    • then ALTER TABLE s_relations_new DROP INDEX message_id_index;
  • If COUNT(DISTINCT target_object_id) > 4,000,000
    • then ALTER TABLE s_relations_new DROP INDEX target_object_index;

Once the usefulness or uselessness of those indexes have been determined, you can reload the data

# Change the Column Name
# Load the Table
ALTER TABLE s_relations_new CHANGE sent_at sent_at_new int(11) DEFAULT NULL;
INSERT INTO s_relations_new SELECT * FROM s_relations;

That's it, right? NOPE !!!

If your website has been up this whole time, there may have INSERTs running against s_relations during the loading of s_relations_new. How can you retrieve those missing rows?

Go find the maximum id in s_relations_new and append everything after that ID from s_relations. To assure that the table is frozen and used only for this update, you must have a little downtime for the sake of getting those last rows that were inserted into s_relation_new. Here is what you do:

In the OS, restart mysql so that no one else can log in but root@localhost (disables TCP/IP):

$ service mysql restart --skip-networking

Next, login to mysql and load those last rows:

mysql> SELECT MAX(id) INTO @maxidnew FROM s_relations_new;
mysql> INSERT INTO s_relations_new SELECT * FROM s_relations WHERE id > @maxidnew;
mysql> ALTER TABLE s_relations RENAME s_relations_old;
mysql> ALTER TABLE s_relations_new RENAME s_relations;

Then, restart mysql normally

$ service mysql restart

Now, if you cannot take mysql down, you will have to do a bait-and-switch on s_relations. Just login to mysql and do the following:

mysql> ALTER TABLE s_relations RENAME s_relations_old;
mysql> SELECT MAX(id) INTO @maxidnew FROM s_relations_new;
mysql> INSERT INTO s_relations_new SELECT * FROM s_relations_old WHERE id > @maxidnew;
mysql> ALTER TABLE s_relations_new RENAME s_relations;

Give it a Try !!!

CAVEAT : Once you are satisfied with this operation, you can drop the old table at your earliest convenience:

mysql> DROP TABLE s_relations_old;