MySQL Error Code 3019 (Undo Error Log, no space left)

error logMySQL

I'm trying to remove some data to get some extra free space, but running the "DELETE FROM table …" query gives me this error:

Error Code: 3019 Undo Log error: No more space left over in system
tablespace for allocating UNDO log pages. Please add new data file to
the tablespace or check if filesystem is full or enable auto-extension
for the tablespace

I found this:
The recommend to run this query:


But it gives me an Error Code: 1064
MySQL version: 5.7.31

Best Answer

  1. Is possible to TRUNCATE TABLE ? If yes, please try that.

  2. Is MySQL server binary log enabled ? If YEs, Purge binarylogs & then delete records.

  3. Is MySQL Server enabled with general log or Audit Log ? If Yes, Purge general log

  4. Check error log size & path if needed purge it.

Note: Delete statement will not release space & if your server is INNODB_FILE_PER_TABLE=OFF then TRUNCATE or DROP statement will also not reclaim the space