MYSQL ERROR 2049 (HY000): Connection using old (pre-4.1.1) authentication protocol ref used (client option ‘secure_auth’ enabled)


when I tried to restore all database dump which is in 5.0 version to 5.6 version, it got restored and after that when I tried to reconnect, am getting the following error

ERROR 2049 (HY000): Connection using old (pre-4.1.1) authentication protocol ref used (client option 'secure_auth' enabled)..

I have tried adding the following lines in My.ini and restarted the service,but the issue persist till.

The following link says its a bug in MYSQL.

Do anyone have any fixes for this solution?

Best Answer

This is not a bug if you have user accounts with passwords that used the ancient old hashing algorithm. If you read the bug report mentioned in the link you posted:

[1 May 15:24] Todd Farmer

The workaround ("solution", really) to this is to change the password for the affected user to a post-4.1 hash. This is really a recommended best practice, regardless - password hashing and authorization process prior to 4.1 has notable security limitations (discussed in documentation at

Restoring a 5.0 version of the mysql schema on to a 5.6 server is a bad idea at any rate, because 5.6 has additional columns in some tables and some completely new tables, which may or may not be missing now depending on how you configured mysqldump when you created the dump file. You may have caused other problems that you may not see immediately.

Also, I didn't see skip-grant-tables mentioned in the article ... but if you correctly apply that option to the server, all authentication is bypassed and you should be able to log in and reset passwords.