Mysql – Duplicate record script | Efficiency boost


I have devised a script to search through my table for duplicate records and display their count.

I am wondering if there is a way to improve the efficiency of the search, given the current search takes 7 seconds. Here's the code:

use gameStore;
select ID, count(*) as idRepl, 
console, count(*) as consoleRepl, 
price, count(*) as priceRepl,
purchased, count(*) as purchRepl from wishlist
group by console, price, purchased having count(*) > 1;



FIELD     |TYPE       |NULL|Key    |DEFAULT|Extra
ID        |INT        |NO  |PRI    |       |auto_increment
console   |VARCHAR(50)|NO  |       |       |
Price     |FLOAT      |YES |       |NULL   |
Purchased |VARCHAR(4) |YES |       |NO     |

Best Answer

The troubles with count aside, probably simplest way to make that query fast is adding multicolumn index

(console, price, purchased)

if table wishlist is InnoDB and ID is primary key or

(console, price, purchased, ID)

if table wishlist is MyISAM.

Such index is enough to cover the query.