MySQL Dump/Import progress on Windows


I'm going to dump a considerable big datatabase (7gb) from a MySQL 5.1 instance running on Windows into a .sql script and import it into a MySQL 5.5 instance, also on Windows (another machine). I'd like to be able to monitor the process of both operations, since I believe they are going to take some time to execute.

Apparentely, this feature has not yet made into the target MySQL versions ( I also checked the solution suggested here, but it seems a lot of work (and also inserting more variables to this sensitive operation) to do something that should be simple.

By the time, ins't there any simple solution to monitor, somehow, the progress of these operations?

Best Answer

Restoration will be

  • Per database (alphabetical order)
  • Per table within each database (alphabetical order)

If you want to see the progress, you can run the following every few minutes:


To be sure that restore is not blocked, use SHOW PROCESSLIST. It will show you the restore transactions (create table, insert into...).

You can also followed your disk space usage but this is'nt a really good metric...
