Mysql: disable unused schemas


I have many schemas on mysql instance running on my development pc. I've noticed that mysql is taking a large amount of ram and cpu time.

Is there a way to "disable" schemas of project I'm not working for?

I like to avoid to drop schema and then re-import when I need it. I'm searching to a way for just disable them or something similar!


Best Answer

Every subfolder under datadir is considered fair game to be registered as a database. You could just mysqldump that entire database and then drop the database.


If you have to leave the database present but inaccessible, here is something radical you can try:


Suppose you have a database called mydb and you want to disable access to it. Go into the Linux OS and do the following:

chown -R root:root /var/lib/mysql/mydb

That's it. Since /var/lib/mysql/mydb would be no longer owned by the Linux mysql user, mysqld cannot access anything in that folder.

If you want the database accessible again, just do the reverse:

chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql/mydb

Now, if you are dealing with Windows, try shutting down mysql with

net stop mysql

You could then

  • Rename the folder from mydb to #mydb something mysqld would not like
  • Run attrib +a against that folder
  • Just about anything that can deny read/write access to the Windows folder

Finally, start mysql back up

net start mysql

Give it a Try !!!