Mysql deterministic function, scope


The documentation for MySQL isn't explicit on this point, but I'm wondering whether the scope for a function with respect to DETERMINISTIC is database global, or by some other scope?

Consider this definition:

FUNCTION test() 

This function is determinstic for all calls in the same connection, as user() will always return the same value. However, does DETERMINISTIC mean that "computed" values are shared across connections?

Defensively I would treat this function as NOT DETERMINISTIC but the question came up and I'm curious about the answer.

Best Answer

Formally, since the function USER() is not deterministic according to that term's definition:

A routine is considered “deterministic” if it always produces the same result for the same input parameters, and “not deterministic” otherwise.

your function that simply returns its result is also not deterministic.

However, the manual further states that

Assessment of the nature of a routine is based on the “honesty” of the creator

What it means is that you define the scope where it is deterministic (or not). Considering that this property is used for query optimization, and that, as you say, within a single session USER() will always return the same result, you can treat it, and the functions that call it, deterministic within the scope of a single query.

This changes, however, if the query cache is enabled, as the cache is shared among sessions and it is possible that sessions other than yours might get results from the cache that would be invalid for them.