Mysql – Design of MySQL


My supervisor asked to design a database by using MySQL. This database is used to store information about evaluation surveys. The survey has a lot of questions, and each question has 5 choices, the user choose the answer, and then the system evaluate the scores by the answer. Basically, my supervisor wants me to create a database that stores information about surveys, and also the results of each survey. Could anybody give me an idea how to start it?

Best Answer

I don't have any experience in this domain, but a quick Google of "open source survey software mysql" gives 874,000 results. What I recommend that you do is to download a few of these - see how they organise their database schema(s) and adopt and adapt your own schema to what's been done already. As Newton said, stand on the shoulders of giants. You could also take code if you can read the particular langauage in which it's written - (PHP, Perl, Python - whatever).

Your question is very broad and vague and probably outside of the guidelines for the forum - take the tour and also the "help us to help you" blog - both at the bottom of the page. These forums are a great resource and you will gain a lot by following the guidelines.