MySQL DBs taking up way too much disk space


I'm on Ubuntu Server 18.04 running MySQL server 5.7.27 with InnoDB. I confirmed that InnoDB file-per-table is On.
I have a mysqldump containing all of my DBs that takes up about 1.3 GB disk space.

After I imported the backup with sudo mysql -u root < myfile.sql, I noticed that there's significantly less space left on my drive. I checked the disk space usage of the newly created DBs in /var/lib/mysql and their combined size is about 14 GB.

I ran sudo mysqlcheck -o --all-databases -u root to optimize the tables, but it only reduced the size to 11 GB:

root@ip-x-x-x-x:/var/lib/mysql# du -sm * | sort -nr
1468    dbvwgcayak57wx
1468    dbmuj7j8scnzt6
1468    dbmmqtf5sss9pk
1468    dbf9ynyscjzw83
1468    dbdr5hk7kvsh73
1468    db3mj8b7b5ezuw
1468    db22z4jcfbf9yn
544 db7b5ezuwb8ca4
76  ibdata1
48  ib_logfile1
48  ib_logfile0
35  dbbz9e6hcmqbtb
23  db688zwgk7uvdh
19  mysql
12  ibtmp1
3   phpmyadmin
2   performance_schema
1   sys
1   ib_buffer_pool
1   dbzqcfb9scuv3h
1   dbscjzw83rv253
1   auto.cnf
0   debian-5.7.flag

All my large DBs contain several hundred tables that are small in size (less than 2 MB according to phpmyadmin), but they take up a lot more actual disk space (about 8 MB).

What else can I do to reduce disk space?

Best Answer

I solved this issue by setting innodb_file_per_table = 0 in my MySQL config (/etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf) and re-importing the mysqldump after dropping all databases. The ibdata1 file that contains all DB data is just about 2.4 GB.

root@ip-x-x-x-x:/var/lib/mysql# du -sm * | sort -nr | head -15
2445    ibdata1
48  ib_logfile1
48  ib_logfile0
12  ibtmp1
11  dbvwgcayak57wx
11  dbmuj7j8scnzt6
11  dbmmqtf5sss9pk
11  dbf9ynyscjzw83
11  dbdr5hk7kvsh73
11  db3mj8b7b5ezuw
11  db22z4jcfbf9yn
4   db7b5ezuwb8ca4
1   phpmyadmin
1   mysql
1   ib_buffer_pool

Seems like having a *.ibd file for every single table can actually be disadvantageous if your DB contains a lot of small tables.