Mysql – Daily Sum by currency


select DATE(added), SUM(amount) ,currency 
from transactions 
where  DATE(added)  > subdate(CURDATE(),10) 
AND status = 'APPROVED' GROUP BY  DATE(added);

This will return one sum per day which is wrong since i have many currencies.
i want to get daily sum's by currency.

24/10/2019 EUR 15000
24/10/2019 USD 18000

23/10/2019 EUR 55000
23/10/2019 USD 68000

Best Answer

... adding to my recent comment ...!9/8e8f57/4

select DATE(added), SUM(amount) ,currency 
from transactions 
where  DATE(added)  > subdate(CURDATE(),10) 
  AND status = 'APPROVED' 
GROUP BY  currency,DATE(added)
ORDER BY DATE(added) desc; 

delivers daily amounts separated by currency as you wanted