Mysql – csv engine and thesql start


my question is about speed when perform service mysql start.

with many tables (some not often used).

what engines consumes more or less start time ?

example: innodb –> the more tables, the more time it takes for mysql to start because it has to "load" indexes at start…

but how is it with csv engine (no indexes) ; how mysql with "deal" with those tables during a mysql start ?


(from Comment) I don't use innodb. I have some aria tables, tokudb tables and rocksdb tables.

Best Answer

Innodb because its transactional does do recovery/rollback during startup. If it was an unclean shutdown this can take some time depending on tuning / data volume.

As other tables don't have extensive checks they are quick to start up.

Debian does script in myisam checks in the service start meaning the availability of MyISAM tables could be delayed.