MySQL – Understanding ‘CREATE_OPTIONS’ in ‘information_schema.tables’


I have a MySQL 5.7.16 Enterprise running on a Centos 6 machine with InnoDB as the default storage engine. I have around 300 tables in which around 90 are "list" partitioned.

I have the option innodb_stats_on_metadata=0 in my server configuration.

When I query the metadata using the query,

SELECT * FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_sCHEMA = 'mydb';

I can see the column CREATE_OPTIONS as empty for some non-partitioned columns, row_format=DYNAMIC for some non-partitioned tables, partitioned for some partitioned tables and row_format=DYNAMIC partitioned for some partitioned tables.

Why does this happen when all my tables have the same row format "Dynamic"?

I have table collations as "utf8_general_ci" for some tables and "latin1_swedish_ci" for some tables. Does this have something to do with the above scenario?

Best Answer

I got answer for my question. "CREATE_OPTIONS" gets updated as row_format=DYNAMIC when you specify it in the create statement explicitly. For partitioned tables, it takes row_format=DYNAMIC partitioned.

Table collation has nothing to do with it.