Mysql – COUNTING results from self-referenced table recursively


I have a table called Clients. And at this table, I have an idFather to know who added this row to the table.


id | user    | idFather | createdAt
01 | raphael | null     | 01-06-2016
02 | jose    | 01       | 03-06-2016
03 | ryan    | 01       | 02-06-2016
04 | alyssa  | 03       | 04-06-2016
05 | laysa   | 04       | 04-06-2016
06 | karen   | 02       | 04-06-2016
07 | roger   | 03       | 04-06-2016

Now i need know how much peoples an user invited indirectly. Sample:

The user (01 - Raphael ) invited the users ( 02 and 03 ) so:
    Raphael invited 2 directly
    And user (02 - Jose) invited no one
    But user (03 - Ryan) invited (04 and 07) total 2
    And user (04 was invited by 03) invited also the user (05) total 1

So Raphael invited 2 directly ( this i did not know )
And Raphael invited 3 indirectly ( this i need know )

I i'm trying look 7 levels under the user…
i'll try explain with this tree:

Sample tree

If the users from lv1 was hard to kick out from Couting… I can do this math on my system… i just need do recursively by 7 lvs… and count just lv1 and get the difference.

I'm looking to get a query result like this:

user    | indirectInviteds
raphael | 4

I'll search just 1 user per time… i`ll not try select ALL clients and look directly.. it will explode…!!!

Thanks for the help guys!

Best Answer

As your data is a tree structure, consider using the Nested Set data model.

A good write-up can be found at Mike Hillyer's website, here:

complete with lots of SQL to manage the tree data.