Mysql – Count two different columns from two different tables and throw into a single variable


I have two tables in my project: "cats" and "items". Every single item in "items" table has the value "item_cat" (column), which represents the ID of actual category, where that item is assigned to. And every single category in "cats" table has its unique ID.

When I add a new item, I can choose the category ID which can only be the one of categories from "cats" table: "music" (id=1), "books" (id=2) or "movies" (id=3). Items stored: "Pulp fiction" (id=1), "Mein kampf" (id=2), "Gone with the wind" (id=3), "Les miserables" (id=4), "The Holy Bible" (id=5) and "The best of Tina Turner" (id=6). Items 1, 3 and 4 belong to category 3, items 2 and 5 belong to category 2, and item 6 belongs to category 1 (I hope I'm still understandable 😉 ).

Now I want to count how many items are assigned to every category. Is it possible to use "SELECT COUNT" in some combination, to get such a result as an output: cat1 = 1 (item), cat2 = 2 (items), cat3 = 3 (items)? How to do this?

Thank you in advance for your help!

Best Answer

SELECT item_cat, COUNT(*)
    FROM items
    GROUP BY item_cat;

(I see no need for a CASE.)

Now, assuming that the table cats has a name column, you might want:

SELECT ( SELECT name FROM cats WHERE id = i.item_cats ) AS "Category",
       COUNT(*) AS "Number of items in that Category"
    FROM items
    GROUP BY item_cat;