Copy Database from One MySQL Server to Another – Step-by-Step Guide


Following are the details of the database and server:

Host Name: abc
Port Num: 01
database: test

Host Name: xyz
Port Num 02
database: spareparts
userid: spts
password: abcdefgh@123

I have to copy all tables from database test to database spareparts.

Please guide me how I can copy them. I am new in using mysql. Also please let me know if any other details are required.

Best Answer

There are several methods you can use such as

  • mysqldump
  • folder copy
  • enterprise backup

for mysqldump use following command:

mysqldump -uuser -ppassword --database your_db_name --routines --triggers --events --lock-all-tables >outputfile.sql 

and use following command at destination:

mysql -uroot -ppassword<outputfile.sql.

You can also use following method - stop server at source - stop server at destination - copy all the database folders from source to destination - start destination server - start source server

Hope it helps